Extra Curriculars

From Drama to Mono Action, from Singing to Drawing, my journey is filled with lots of Fun and Learnings. In my journey, I am also fortunate to play the roles from High School House Captain, to the Best Student Teacher of the Year. My special interests towards Writing articles, Poster Making, Presentations and Debates are something, which I can't lose yet.

Few recent Achievements, Participations

❖ Qualified, Internal Hackathon of the Smart India Hackathon 2024.

❖ 2nd Prize for the Article “ Strategies for a Cleaner and Greener Nation ” for National Cleanliness Drive - Swachhata Hi Seva 2024, at IIITN.

❖ 1st Prize for the Presentation on “ The innovation of Wireless Communication and Dr. Jagdish Chandra Bose ” at the National Science Day 2024, IIITN.

❖ Member of Bollywood Committee, Model United Nations (MUN), at IIITN Abhivyaki 2024.

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